Friday, July 27, 2012

My Very First Blogger Awards!!!

I have been nominated for two blog awards! I want to thank my best friend, Krystle over at Life Revolves Around Them for nominating my blog for these two awards! I am still learning what this blog world is all this is new and exciting!

The first nomination is for the Versatile Blogger Award!

 With this award nomination, I have to tell you 7 random facts about myself:

1) I was born in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida on Easter Morning 1982.

2) I have lived in Virginia, Germany, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Colorado, and Florida!

3) I am a bit of a control freak and very stubborn and hard-headed!

4) My obsession is the beach! It is where I feel most relaxed and care-free! Which is one reason we decided to move here to the gulf coast of Florida. I really think I was a mermaid in my prior life....

5) I am extremely proud of my brother, Aaron, who is in his 2nd year of med school at John A. Burns School of Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii.

6) I love siamese cats...which is why I have 4 of them!

7) My biggest goal right now is finishing my college degree and starting a new career in the medical field!

The 2nd award I was nominated for is the Sunshine Blogger Award!

This award nomination requires me to answer the following set of questions:

1) What would you most like to change about yourself? Being overweight. I have lost almost 30 lbs. so far, and i'm on a mission to lose the rest! I'm not stopping until my goal is accomplished! I have made a lifestyle change which has made it more diets!

2) What is your theme song? I would have to say Zac Brown Band's "Knee Deep" or "Toes".

3) What is one part of your life, a memory, an action, etc, that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain? I was involved in a car accident in 2009. A 17 year old ran a stop sign and t-boned me. I am still dealing with injuries from this accident. It changed me in a lot of ways and put me through an emotional roller coaster. I have anxiety every time I get in a vehicle, and I will be dealing with issues from this accident for the rest of my life. The passenger in my vehicle passed away from her injuries and I don't think ill ever get over that...

4) What generation do you wish you'd been a part of? haha I've heard the 70's was a blast! But i'm happy with the generation I was born into.

5) What was your favorite childhood toy? I loved dolls and barbies!

6) What is your favorite household chore? Cooking my family dinner! I love trying new recipes!

7) Do you Twitter? Kinda! Nope....I've tried to get into the twitter world, since my husband loves twitter, but I just don't like it!

8) Any goals? Lose the rest of this weight and finish my degree!

9) Do you really drink margaritas all the time? Nope...I enjoy a good fruity mixed drink once in a while, but certainly not all the time.

10) What's the ugliest car you've ever driven? Oh boy...probably the 1980's pontiac bonneville that Jason's boss gave him about 10 years ago...I hated that boat of a car! lol

Well, that is it for now! Thanks for stopping by! :)

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