Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mom is finally home!!!

What a very long crazy rainy day! So I left around 9am this morning for A&P class. Before my A&P class, I decided to run by my Mom's house for one last clean up, vacuum, and to wash the last load of her laundry before she was discharged today!  After class, I headed to the rehabilitation facility to go pick up my Mom who was finally being discharged, only to find out they had somehow lost a bunch of her personal belongings that she really needed! So we went around and around with the people there until finally requesting to speak with the administrator who was able to take care of it and resolve the problem. So 4 hours later, she was finally able to leave! I loaded up the car with her stuff and helped her into the car....then realized my headlights had been left on!!! Soooo battery was dead...very very dead. It was POURING down rain most of the day, and a very nice gentleman offered to jump start my car....but it still wouldn't start! Finally, after about 20 min. of jump starting, sparks flying and car finally started. This poor man was drenched! I couldn't thank him enough. We were finally able to leave and I was able to take my Mom home. I know she was so excited to be back home! Her standard poodles, Belle and Cherry, were thrilled so have their Mom back home, too! After getting her settled in and unloading her stuff, I headed over to Publix to pick up some groceries for her, and by Wendy's to pick up a couple burgers and fries for us. Then I went back over to my Mom's house and hung out for a little bit. After more than 4 weeks after her accident, I am so glad she is doing much better, and so glad she is home! She still has some recovering to do, but I am optimistic that she will continue improving! <3

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